Reject malicious requests
Code Snippet Add the following code snippet to functions.php or through the Code Snippets (or Code Snippets Pro) plugin: Source: unknown That’s it, you’re done!
Code Snippet Add the following code snippet to functions.php or through the Code Snippets (or Code Snippets Pro) plugin: Source: unknown That’s it, you’re done!
Code Snippet Add the following code snippet to functions.php or through the Code Snippets (or Code Snippets Pro) plugin: That’s it! You’re done!
Developers often add query strings to keep track of versions and to invalidate cache during development. When the query string is changed, it forces the client’s browser to download an updated copy of the stylesheet or script.
Attacks on xmlrpc.php are common. Not many websites actually use the XMLRPC functionality so one simple way of avoiding these attacks was to simply delete the xmlrpc.php file. However the file is restored every time you update WordPress, so this isn’t a very good solution.
Fail2ban is a server-based intrusion prevention daemon which prevents brute-force attacks by scanning log files for authentication errors.
I hate emojis. They’re tiny, indecipherable and ambiguous. They also add unnecessary bloat to your website. This code snippet disables Emojis throughout your site.